Ghia custom dash/console mock up – Part 4
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Wanted to post up some pics of the gauges in place to get the full effect of the dash. I was pleased to see an old school Ferrari dash with a similar theme. Check out the pics in the gallery below.

Ghia custom dash/console mock up – Part 3
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This is turning out to be a super highlight of this build. As mentioned in the previous post, the new dash / console really changes the attitude of the interior of the car. CJ at Revenant is doing masterful work. I can’t say enough about how exciting and cool this is.

New dash and console modification. It looks rough now but it’s awesome work. It has a bit of that GT-40 feel to it.
Ghia custom dash/console mock up – Part 2
- By basil
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Part 2 of the custom dash and console work. CJ took the cardboard mockup and made a metal version as shown below. As with most new things, one may not be too sure of how ideas manifest in real life but, this is a very, very slick modification to the stock Karmann Ghia dash. When inside the car, it brings a certain gravitas to the car that makes it feel very modern. It has become the centerpiece of the interior at this point and I like it very much. Can’t wait to see it closer to completion. May try to get a picture with all the gauges set in place!

Billet Ghia speaker grill cover.
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Picked up this cool speaker grill cover off eBay. Solid aluminum and will accent the dash and Black Mamba billet gear shift. It has the proper dash curvature and fits very well.
Ghia custom dash/console mock up – Part 1
- By basil
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CJ at Revenant made some templates for the modified dash idea, looks pretty sweet:
A bit more progress..
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CJ has made a good big of progress. The doors have been fitted and adjusted. Early skim coats applied. We have a bit more to go on the passenger side and then we’ll hire some corn-fed country boys to get the sanding done. :)

NOS Karmann Ghia Sales Brochure
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I bought a new, old stock (NOS) sales brochure for the low light Karmann Ghia. I thought it’d be cool to have it sitting in the car as a conversation piece. Second, I wanted to look at the original, stock design cues so that I could blend the Porsche RS vision with the original.
- Clean lines.
- Stock interior closeup.
- Seat patterns
- Brochure copy 1.
- Brochure copy 2 – with dash details.
Modern dash, old car – some new ideas.
- By basil
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Spent some time tinkering with dash designs. I’m going for a modern treatment but without detracting too much from the period design.
Here are a few digital mockups I did to get a sense of how it may turn out:
I ran these ideas by a few friends and family and the consensus was the first option with the three small gauges on top of the double DIN opening. The thinking was “performance and engine monitoring first”, so that’s what we’re rolling with – the critical gauges (oil temp, water temp, volts) above the double DIN.
The DIN until will feature a touchscreen, bluetooth, GPS, the audio features you’d expect, rear camera support and GPS inputs for the navigation software. It’s Android based so the ODB2 apps for car maintenance and enhanced performance monitoring can run there as well. The ashtray will be used as a hidden USB media and charging port.
Left front panel replaced.
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We replaced the left front panel with the new one we sourced from Wagner-Blechteile. Slowly, but surely.
Media blasting – before and after.
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We’ll need to start on the replacement body panels now.
Media blasting
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Ace Dustless Blasting hard at work. Thanks CJ for the video work.
Ace Dustless Blasting hard at work.
Posted by Revenant Garage on Saturday, May 12, 2018
Rear vent placement
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The Revenant team did a mockup of the rear vent some time ago. I didn’t particularly like it when I first saw it, but it has grown on me. The 50s early inspiration is seen in its distant slightly older, cousin the Porsche 550.
Spring cleaning (blasting) preparation
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Spring has taken her sweet time showing up this year. Doesn’t she know we’re pushing to be on the road this summer?
Revenant sourced a used rotisserie and adapted it to the Ghia. Locally, we found Ace Dustless Blasting which is a mobile media blasting service. We’re ready to roll on our side and just waiting for a break in the weather to have Randy come out and do his thing.
There are somethings we’re working on in parallel. Very disappointed that when we shipped our 1958 Ghia steering wheel to our California builder, it came back without the rare horn cover! We can not get in touch with anyone over there to inquire about it.
Gauge mockup
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Dropped off the new gauges over at Revenant. Took the tach, speedo and fuel gauge out for a quick mockup and fit test.
Gauges arrived.
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Our custom Speedhut gauges arrived and they look pretty sweet. I must say that this is one of the highlights of this build. Feels like Christmas with all the red!
Speedhut Gauges proof
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The first round of proofs for the gauges came back. Needed to make some adjustments to the sizing of the logo. The changes where made and here is the final proof as provided by the Speedhut artwork team:
Off to print and delivery. Stay tuned.
Antique plates registered
- By basil
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After two visits, 5 phone calls and 4 hours of waiting in line, we have the Basilari tags registered.
The most terrifying words in the English language are:
I’m from the
governmentDMV and I’m here to help.
Let the body (panels) hit the floor!!
- By basil
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Always time for a laugh. :)
So, I found this image that explains the Ghia problem areas when it comes to rust. We have our work cut out for us (ha!, pun intended):
Shopping for panels now! The parts car should provide some metal higher up on the quarters. It looks like we’ll need to order all of the lower pieces.
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